GSC Alumni: Sam Brown

Published 11 / 18 / 2020

GSC Alumni: Sam Brown

Over the years, GSC has worked with some of London’s best creative and strategic communicators, and we are incredibly proud to see what they do when they move on. Sam Brown was an Associate Director and has been working as a freelance PR Director and Mentor since 2011. Sam also regularly comes back to work with GSC on individual projects and clients. Sam has recently released her first book, titled “20 Rules of PR AKA How to get it right and not f**k it up“. Just in time for the release, we had a catch up with her recently and asked her these questions:

1.How have been over the past 9 months? How are you feeling as we go into lockdown 2.0?
I’ve actually really appreciated stripping everything back. It’s a great opportunity to refocus and work on things that I haven’t had the time to do before, but as with all PRs… we are social creatures… I’m missing real human contact… and a holiday! 

2.What has been your most memorable moment in your career?
There are many, but I once helped a very-A-list celebrity (who shall remain VERY NAMELESS!!!) to remove a personal-body-fluid stain off of their clothing, minutes before they were due to meet the media. I shall say no more….! 

3.What is your favourite memory with GSC?Again…. that’s really hard! Possibly launch day of Selfridges Project Ocean, which started at 7am with a photocall on Oxford St, and ended at about 1am, getting a cab after-the-after-party. It was a packed day that generated huge publicity. Great team effort and results!

4.What book or TV show are you recommending at the moment?
I will never stop recommending Schitt’s Creek. It is PURE JOY. I’ve also discovered that I love Canadian TV. Maybe that’s Gabrielle’s influence…

5.What positive changes are you hoping to see in the world after the pandemic?
Respect for each other, and respect for time. 

6.What is the best advice you have been given in your personal and professional life? Professional – The media need us as much as we need them. And personal – two ears, one mouth, use them in that proportion! 

7.What advice would you give your younger self? Don’t doubt yourself. Trust your own opinions and don’t be scared of them. 

8.What is your favourite trend at the moment?
Face masks. WEAR A MASK, PEOPLE! 

9.What are you doing for a more sustainable lifestyle?Giving back, whether that’s skills, plastic bags, or kindness.

10.What was the most valuable lesson you have learned at GSC?
The power of genuinely being nice to people, and genuinely wanting to help. It’s a trait so often missed in the industry 

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