We Have Joined Pimento Agency as Part of our Expansion

Expanding Our Network to Provide More Bespoke Services

In the Strategic Communications industry, a good network of people and expertise is at the core of everything. This is why we are delighted to announce that we have joined Pimento Agency, a network of over 200 world-class consultants and agencies.

This is an exciting development for our agency as we approach a post-pandemic world and our business grows. Because of Pimento’s unique structure and talent pool, member agencies and consultants are able to provide solutions within a significantly broader range of channels and media than traditional agencies can offer.

Having access to Pimento and being able to contribute our expertise to others, will be of huge benefit to us and the broader communications ecosystem. Our Pimento membership sits alongside our Taan Agency membership – both bringing us access to a lot of communications experts to expand our offering, senior strategists and some of the most dynamic agencies and consultants in the world.

Pimento Agency’s manifesto is simple: continue to engage with fresh and independent marketing talent, design client solutions based on the best possible outcome, and be there to support.

Click here to learn more about Pimento.